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Explore My Characters

The following is characters you will read about in my debut novel: Weavers.

Art created Litarnes. Find them at; or on their twitter or Instagram @litarnes!

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Mateo Reyes

Mateo always has a smirk on his face and a joke on his lips. Seemingly without worry he breezed through his first three years of high school and confidently awaits what may come after graduation.

But after an event rocks his world, a part of him he tried to hide refuses to stay hidden as he can no longer sit idly by as someone he lost and loved is once again within his reach.

Ambrosia Aldrich

Native Cherokee, Ambrosia found her life enriched with nature and the pride of her people. But an event in her life finds her being resented by her mother and Amber often escaping to the elements for comfort.

A chance meeting leads her to connecting to more than just nature as she finds her self enveloped in these people lives and feeling not quite so alone anymore.

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Magdalena Reyes

Magdalena didn't look for trouble, but it usually found her. Beat down too many times by people that judged her before they knew her, she found a hole in heart where fear moved in.

On the precipice of a future that could change for all the better, the impossible happens and she discovers her true alienation has only just begun.

Broken and on the run Magdalena is found by people that may finally understand and accept her. But at a cost she is not sure she is willing to pay.

Tanya Sato

Tanya is brash and electric. Attached to Magdalena at the hip she is always encouraging her to live up to her potential.

She no longer can suffer feeling weak, a path she takes that may have no way of coming back from.

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Vincenzo DeLuca

Mature and good natured, Vincenzo's skill seems unmatched among his fellow high schoolers. First to fly into action when people are in danger, ingrained in him is a selfless instinct to protect others. But the weight of his past 3 years drags on this Air Weaver and all isn't as optimistic as it seems.

After years of training and expectations assumed of him he just wants to go off to college with his best friend and enjoy life a little. 

However, soon an event throws his hopes into disarray and he finds himself battling for those he loves.

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